Cultivating Connections: Navigating the Writing Life (Back to Back Books Pre-Event)

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, Cultivating Connections: Navigating the Writing Life offers a valuable opportunity to connect with fellow writers, learn from industry experts, and get inspired. Don’t miss this chance to enrich your writing journey and build lasting connections within the literary community. Hosted by author M Hendrix and featuring panelists David Arnold, Gwenda Bond, and writers from the Lexington Writers Room.


  • Exploring Co-Working Spaces
  • Understanding the Writing Process
  • Navigating the Path to Publication
  • Current Publications by the Authors
  • Interactive Q&A Session
Friday, September 20, 2024
at 6:00 PM CDT

Event Policy: This event has a no refund policy.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, Cultivating Connections: Navigating the Writing Life offers a valuable opportunity to connect with fellow writers, learn from industry experts, and get inspired. Don’t miss this chance to enrich your writing journey and build lasting connections within the literary community. Hosted by author M Hendrix and featuring panelists David Arnold, Gwenda Bond, and writers from the Lexington Writers Room.


  • Exploring Co-Working Spaces
  • Understanding the Writing Process
  • Navigating the Path to Publication
  • Current Publications by the Authors
  • Interactive Q&A Session
Item Price Quantity

General Admission: FREE

sales end 09/20 8:00PM CDT
